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Ujian,Cobaan,Kisah Nabi Rosul description

Seseorang akan diuji sesuai dengan kondisi agamanya.
Apabila agamanya begitu kuat (kokoh), maka semakin berat pula ujiannya.
Apabila agamanya lemah, maka ia akan diuji sesuai dengan kualitas agamanya. Seorang hamba senantiasa akan mendapatkan cobaan hingga dia berjalan di muka bumi dalam keadaan bersih dari dosa.

Para nabi ‘alaihimussalam ma’shum (terjaga) dari dosa besar, adapun dosa kecil maka kadang terjadi pada sebagian mereka, namun dosa kecil tersebut tidak berhubungan dengan penyampaian wahyu, kemudian dengan segera mereka bertaubat dan beristighfar kepada Allah, sebagaimana kisah nabi Adam ketika memakan buah terlarang, nabi Musa ketika memukul orang Mesir, dll.

Di dalam ajaran Islam, Allah swt mengatakan di dalam Al Quran bahwa manusia diciptakan tidak lain hanyalah untuk mengabdi/beribadah kepada Allah swt.

Dalam hidup ini, seringkali Allah memberikan pelajaran kepada kita berupa ujian/cobaan.
Dan memang itu adalah hak prerogative Allah yang kalau kita kaji semuanya itu sebenarnya adalah merupakan percikan dari kasih sayang Allah.

Cobaan dan ujian berupa sakit, berkurangnya harta atau kehilangan sesuatu, penderitaan dan kemalangan atau apapun yang kita terima dalam kehidupan ini, tetap berasal dari samudera kasih sayang Allah swt, bukan karena kemurkaan-Nya.

- Dapat bibaca secara Offline
- Terdapat 100 Kisah cobaan Nabi dan Rosul yang bisa diambil hikmahnya
- Dapat Menjadi bahan cerita untuk anak
- Dapat digunakan untuk ceramah
- Menambah wawasan kita tentang islam
- Dapat dibaca saat Puasa atau Ramadhan jika waktu senggang

Daftar Isi Kisah:
Istri Nabi Nuh Wanita Yang Durhaka
Cobaan Dan Ujian Nabi Ayub As
Mukjizat Nabi Isa Saat Masih Kecil
Nabi Isa Saat Mulai Memiliki Pengikut
Penaklukan Kota Mekkah
Nabi Muhammad Dan Pengikutnya Hijrah
Nabi Muhammad Seorang Yatim Piatu
Nabi Muhammad Dan Ajarannya
Kehancuran Pasukan Bergajah
Nabi Isa Di Angkat Oleh Allah
Nabi Isa Menceritakan Nabi Muhammad
Bantahan Bahwa Nabi Isa Tidak Kafir
Nabi Isa Rasul Bagi Bani Israel
Nabi Daud As Secara Singkat
Lengkap Nabi Ayub As
Nabi Luth Dan Kaum Sodom
Singkat Nabi Isa
Lengkap Nabi Harun As
Nabi Yunus As Secara Singkat
Sah Nabi Isa Saat Mulai Memiliki Pengikut
Sah Lengkap Nabi Idris As
Maryam Yang Suci Dan Kelahiran
Nabi Zakaria Dan Nabi Yahya
Keluarga Imran Dan Maryam
Nabi Yunus Dan Penduduk Ninawa
Peristiwa Meninggalnya Nabi Sulaiman
Nabi Sulaiman Dan Jin
Nabi Sulaiman Dan Kubah Ajaib
Singkat Nabi Sulaiman Dan Ratu Balqis
Nabi Sulaiman Dan Burung Hud Hud
Nabi Sulaiman Dan Semut
Nabi Yusuf Dan Saudara Saudaranya
Ringkas Nabi Ishaq Dan Nabi Yaqub
Bani Israil Di Sinai
Keangkuhan Bani Israil
Pembunuhan Dan Sapi Kaum Bani
Kaum Bani Israil Menjadi Kera
Kaum Nabi Musa Yang Bertobat
Bani Israil Menyembah Patung Sapi
Nabi Musa Dan Qarun
Azab Firaun Dan Pengikutnya
Nabi Musa Melawan Ahli Sihir
Asal Usul Bani Israil
Nabi Musa Diangkat Sebagai Rasul
Nabi Musa Meninggalkan Mesir
Nabi Musa Dalam Istana Firaun
Kelahiran Nabi Musa Dan Kekejaman Firaun
Lengkap Nabi Zulkifli As
Lengkap Nabi Syuaib Dan Penduduk Madyan
Nabi Yaqub Dan Saudaranya
Kaum Kafir Menghalangi Hijrah Nabi
Mimpi Seorang Nabi
Pemuda Ashabul Kahfi
Munculnya Dajjal Sebagai Tanda
Zulkarnain Membuat Tembok Besi
Pemboikotan Terhadap Bani Hasyim
Nabi Muhammad Menjadi Rasul
Kelahiran Nabi Muhammad
Nabi Daud Melawan Jalut
Kepulangan Musa Ke Mesir
Perjalanan Musa Meninggal Mesir
Kelahiran Nabi Musa
Nabi Ibrahim Di Mesir
Nabi Ibrahim Di Palestina
Nabi Ibrahim Dan Raja Namrud
Nabi Ibrahim Dan Penduduk Babilonia
Nabi Ibrahim Mencari Tuhan
Pembunuhan Pertama Di Bumi
Nabi Adam Dan Hawa Di Bumi
Penciptaan Hawa
Penciptaan Kali Pertama Nabi Adam
Nabi Ibrahim Dan Nabi Ismail
Penyembelihan Nabi Ismail As
Nabi Nuh Membuat Kapal
Nabi Saleh Dan Kaum Tsamud
Masa Kecil Nabi Ibrahim As
Kedurhakaan Isteri Nabi Nuh
Nabi Nuh Dan Kaumnya
Nabi Idris As Bersama Kaumnya
Nabi Syits As
Nabi Hud As Dan Kaumnya
Nabi Zakaria As Secara Singkat

Note: Kisah akan diupdate secara rutin. Update terus ya :) Someone will be tested in accordance with the conditions of his religion.
If religion is so strong (solid), the more severe the test anyway.
If religion is weak, then it will be tested in accordance with the quality of his religion. A servant will always get the ordeal until he walked the earth in a clean state of sin.

The prophets' alaihimussalam Ma'shum (awake) of the major sins, as for the small sins that sometimes occurs in most of them, however small the sins are unrelated to the delivery of revelation, then immediately they repent and beristighfar to God, as in the story nabi Adam when consuming the forbidden fruit, nabi Musa when hitting the Egyptians, etc.

In the teachings of Islam, Allah says in the Qur'an that man is created is nothing but to serve / worship Allah.

In this life, God often gives a lesson to us in the form of a test / trial.
And indeed it was the prerogative of God if we examine everything it actually was a spark of God's love.

Trials and tests in the form of illness, loss of property or loss of something, suffering and misery or whatever we receive in this life, still comes from the ocean of love of Allah, not because of his wrath.

- Can bibaca Offline
- There are 100 Acts of the trials of the Prophet and the Prophet to be learned
- Can Become materials for children's story
- Can be used for lectures
- Increase our knowledge about Islam
- Can be read when fasting or Ramadan if leisure time

Contents Stories:
Nabi Nuh wife Women ungodly
Nabi Ayub ordeal And Exams As
Still miracle of Prophet Isa When Small
Jesus At Start Have Followers
The conquest of Mecca
Hijrah of Prophet Muhammad and his followers
Prophet Muhammad An Orphan
Prophet Muhammad and his Teachings
Destruction forces the Elephant
Jesus On Lift By God
Jesus Tells Prophet Muhammad
Rebuttal That the Prophet Isa No Gentile
Nabi Isa Rasul For the Children of Israel
Nabi Daud As in Brief
Detailed Nabi Ayub As
Nabi Luth and The Sodom
Brief Prophet Isa
Complete Nabi Harun As
As Nabi Yunus in Brief
Legitimate Jesus At Start Have Followers
Complete legitimate Nabi Idris As
Maryam Holiness And Birth
Nabi Zakaria And the Nabi Yahya
The Family of Imran and Maryam
Nabi Yunus And Population Ninawa
Events Death of Nabi Sulaiman
Nabi Sulaiman And Jin
Nabi Sulaiman and the Dome of the Magic
BRIEF Nabi Sulaiman And Queen Balqis
Nabi Sulaiman And Birds Hud Hud
Nabi Sulaiman And Ants
Nabi Yusuf And you brother
Brief Nabi Ishaq and Nabi Yaqub
Children of Israel in Sinai
Arrogance Children of Israel
Murder And The Cow Children
The Children of Israel Become Kera
The Nabi Musa The Repentant
Children of Israel Worshiping Cow statue
Nabi Musa and Qarun
Azab Pharaoh and his followers
Nabi Musa Against Wizard of
Origins of the Children of Israel
Nabi Musa Appointed Rasul
Nabi Musa Leaving Egypt
Nabi Musa in Pharaoh's Palace
The birth of Nabi Musa and Pharaoh's cruelty
Complete Nabi Zulkifli As
Complete Nabi Syuaib And Population Madyan
Nabi Yaqub And brother
Blocking the Hijrah Nabi Gentile
Dreams of A Prophet
Youth Companions of the Cave
The emergence of the Antichrist For Signs
Zulkarnain Making Iron Wall
Boycotts Against Hashim
Prophet Mohammed as an Apostle
Birth of Prophet Muhammad
Nabi Daud Against Goliath
The return of Moses Into Egypt
Journey of Moses dies Egypt
The birth of Nabi Musa
Nabi Ibrahim in Egypt
Nabi Ibrahim In Palestine
Nabi Ibrahim And King Nimrod
Nabi Ibrahim And Population Babylon
Nabi Ibrahim Finding God
First Murder On Earth
Nabi Adam And Eve On Earth
creation of Eve
The first time the creation Nabi Adam
Nabi Ibrahim and Nabi Ismail
Slaughter Prophet Isma'il
Nabi Nuh Making Ships
Nabi Saleh And Thamood
Childhood Prophet Ibrahim
Nabi Nuh's wife Iniquity
Nabi Nuh And His people
Prophet Idris Together As His people
Nabi Syits As
As Hud And His people
Nabi Zakaria As in Brief

Note: The story will be updated regularly. Update hold ya :)
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