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Jadikan orang tuamu sebagai raja.
Kali ini saya ingin sharing dari seorang ustadz ttg :
"Jadikan Orang Tuamu Raja".
Saya mendapat banyak ilmu dari para jama'ah. Salah satunya dari pak Budi Harta Winata, seorang pengusaha baja.
¤ Ketika saya tanya rahasia sukses nya menjadi pengusaha, jawabnya singkat, “Jadikan orang tuamu raja, maka rezekinya seperti raja.”
Pengusaha yg kini tinggal di Cikarang ini pun bercerita bhw org2 hebat & sukses yg ia kenal semuanya memperlakukan org tuanya spt raja. Mereka menghormati, memuliakan, melayani & memprioritaskan org tuanya.
¤ Lelaki asal Banyuwangi ini bertutur, “Jgn perlakukan org tua spt pembantu. Sdh tahu org tua tlh melahirkan & membesarkan kita, lha kok masih tega2nya kita minta uang ke mereka padahal kita sdh dewasa. Atau, org tua diminta merawat anak kita, sementara kita sibuk bekerja.

Bila ini yg terjadi, maka rezeki org itu hanya cukup utk bayar pembantu, krn ia memperlakukan org tuanya spt pembantu.
¤ Walau suami:istri bekerja, rezeki nya tetap kurang,bahkan nombok setiap bulannya.”
¤ Dari diskusi itu, kami pun melaku kan survey kecil2an kpd jamaah umroh/naik haji. Kami bertanya anak nya berapa? Siapa yang paling suk ses? Siapa yang paling susah? Ternyata jawabnya semua sama.
• Anak2 yg sukses adalah yg mem perlakukan org tuanya spt raja. Dan anak2 yg sengsara hidupnya adalah
mereka yg sibuk dgn urusan dirinya sendiri & sedikit mengabaikan org tuanya.
¤ Mari trs berusaha keras, agar kita bisa memperlakukan org tua spt raja. Buktikan & jgn hanya ada di angan2. Mulailah dari sekarang..
¤ Masya Allah.. "Orangtua Adalah Kunci Surga Bagi Anaknya". Teriring salam hangat & salam sukses luar biasa.

Semoga Bermanfaat

Please refer to a small part of this book .....

Make your parents as king.
This time I want to share from a cleric ttg:
"Make your parents King".
I got a lot of knowledge of the congregation. One was from Mr. Budi Treasure Winata, a steel businessman.
¤ When I asked the secret of her success to be an entrepreneur, he said simply, "Make your parents the king, then the sustenance like a king."
Employers who now live in this Cikarang also tells a great and successful bhw org2 that he knew all his org treats such as king. They revere, honor, serve and prioritize his org.
¤ The man from Banyuwangi said, "Do not treat the old org such as maid. Sdh know the old org powered childbirth and raising us, LHA I still tega2nya we asked for money to them when we sdh adults. Or, org parents were asked to care for our children, while we are busy working.

When this happened, then the sustenance org was only sufficient to pay the maid, because she treats such as org her maid.
Although ¤ husband: wife works, his fortune remains less, even nombok every month. "
¤ From that discussion, we also melaku the survey kecil2an Umrah pilgrims kpd / pilgrimage. We asked her how many children? Who is the most suk ses? Who is the most difficult? It turns out its all the same.
• Anak2 that success is that his org mem treatment such as king. And that miserable life is anak2
those who are busy with the affairs of himself and a little neglect his org.
¤ Let trs tried hard, so that we can treat the old org such as king. Prove & jgn only in angan2. Start from now..
¤ Mashallah .. "Parents Are Key to Heaven For Her son". Teriring warm regards and greetings tremendous success.

Hope it is useful

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